Lovable Life-100 LET US HAVE A CUP OF TEA


The medical experts say after sufficient research that taking tea is very good for health. Very good news indeed. They also say that tea prevents many diseases. The flavonoid in the tea is an anti-Oxident, found naturally in plenty. In tea there is an anti Oxidant called catechins. 30 per cent of this is found in the newly collected tea leaves. It seems, these catechins are found very thick in the green tea and the white tea. The flavonoid found in the green tea seems to prevent heart stroke and strokes. Caffeine found in coffee is found much less in tea. In coffee, there is 135 mg caffeine, but in tea it is only 30 to 40 mg. By taking coffee, there might be indigestion, headache and sleeplessness but there is nothing like that in tea. More importantly, tea acts as deterrent to cancer saving humans from that disease.

Polyphenols, an anti Oxident found in tea acts against carbon di oxide and thus protects people from cancer. Therefore black tea consumption also prevents people from a type of cancer. The researchers also say that polyphenols help us to fight many kinds of bacteria that cause cancer. Therefore green tea so and black tea (without milk) contain energy that prevents cancer. They also say that besides these advantages, it also prevents addition of calories that cause increase in weight. As no sugar or milk is added, there is no chance of the increase of calories. Therefore, avoid taking drinks like coke, but have the habit of taking tea.

There is also a bonus good news to the tea consumers. Metobolism is an integral part of our body. If it is not kept under check, weight reduction cannot be easily managed. Green tea is now available in green colour in all grocery stores. We can use them buying in small packets and mixing in hot water, It increases metapoly grade, burning 70 to 80 calories daily and thereby preventing the increase of body weight. Now, Shall we take tea? Is not ‘Tea Party’ a good phrase?