Anti-Constitutional and Anti-Secular Amendment Act

The Citizenship Amendment Act 2019 is
the first dejure attempt of the BJP ruler
to make India a Hindu Rashtra.

A Plot to Create Hindu Rashtra by Abolishing the Principles
of Social Justice and Secularism!


In its election manifesto of 2019, the BJP pointed out the following that they are its policies proposed to be implemented, if elected.

“Construction of a temple for Ram at Ayodhya, implementing the scheme of National Record of Citizenship to prevent people of foreign countries from infiltrating illegally into India,  awarding of protection and citizenship to the people who belong to Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism, Parsism, who are religiously threatened and persecuted in the neighbouring countries”.

This declaration was strongly condemned even at that time.

Which is Relevant –
Threat and Persecution or Religion?

When the matter of people threatened and persecuted in the neighbouring countries is taken up, from where the question of religion arises? When people are threatened and subjected to persecution in all aspects, it is the combined sense of integrity of knowledge and humanism to give refuge, protection and citizenship to such people. Making already the decision not to bring the Muslims to the ambit of the Citizen Amendment Bill, is the avowed   tendency of religious bigotry, the hallmark of the RSS and the BJP, who have worked out their  schemes according to those decisions taken previously.

It is not a Valid Argument

It is said that as the Muslims  are not undergoing religious threatening and persecution in these countries, they are not brought into the ambit of the Citizenship Amendment  Bill. Even in that case, what is the condition of Ahamadiya Muslims in Pakistan? Are not the sufferings the Shia Muslims are undergoing visible to the fascist eyes of the BJP.

What are the Conditions of Rohinya Muslims in Myanmar?

Were not the Rohinya Muslims of Myanmar subjected to mass killings? Don’t these people, who  entered India after undergoing so much of sufferings, deserve any sympathy and kindness from the BJP?

Why was Bhutan not included in the list of such countries? Weren’t the Christians of Bhutan made to suffer such religious sufferings and driven away ?

Why the People of Tamil Eelam are not included in the Bill?

Can we point out any other incident of racial and religious genocide and mass killings equal to that the sufferings the people of Tamil Eelam had to face? Is it simply because of their birth as Tamils, such an exclusion  from the list?

What more atrocities these Hindutva ideologists expect the people of Tamil Eelam to endure than the notice board exhibited in Sri Lanka that the flesh of Tamils will be sold there?

Is not the Bigotry of Buddhism behind  the Mass Killing of People of Tamil Eelam?

Is it not a matter of concern or worry for the Brahminical regime of the BJP that the blood of Tamils killed was poured on the statues of Buddha?

Do the 95,122 Tamil refugees of Tamil Eelam, living in and out of the refugee camps in Tamil Nadu, have to suffer any more wandering like prisoners or vagabonds, even after living for more than 30 years in India?

The DMK MP Trichy Siva has raised the most pertinent question in Rajya Sabha whether the Muslims and Tamil refugees refused citizenship will be kept in concentration camps or prisons? This question carries more significance. Whether they will be thrown into the sea, when they are sent to the countries of their origin or if they would not be accepted by the governments of those countries? Is it not more ironical and shameful? What sort of Government is governing India? Is it the Hindu Government of Ramarajya? Is it the repetition of the story of Rama beheading Sambugan  for undertaking penance?

Is it Indian Constitution or  Hindu Law Reigning the Country?

Even though the BJP might be the ruling party at the Centre,  it has to keep it in mind that the illegal and anti-constitutional principles and policies could not be implemented throwing away all the norms of the  laws of the land.

Whichever party may come to power,  it can undertake its activities only within the limits of the provisions of the Constitution of India following the principle of secularism.

Does this not mean prioritising religion in this most important matter, utter violation and travesty of principles of the Constitution of India and other laws of the land.

How could they view even the sorrowful incidents on the basis of religion?

This is a matter of providing Citizenship for the affected people and that too for those people living in India for more than the time prescribed. From where the question of religion comes  in to play in this matter? Do they consider that only the religious genocide is murder, but not the racial genocide?

The Rss-Bjp are implementing only those ideologies and principles  written before by Golwalkar

Is the decision of the BJP Government to pass Citizenship Amendment Bill  not on the basis of the anti-muslim policy of RSS? In a book under the caption “We or our nationhood defined”, Golwalkar, who used to be called the ideological guru of RSS, has written the following:

“The Non-Hindu people living in Hindustan, have to follow the culture of Hindus, speak the language of Hindus, revere the Hindu religion as a superior one, and they should not welcome any other thing except the name and fame of Hindu religious culture and language. They should totally get rid of their intolerance or hatred of the oldest Hindu legacy, their thanklessness and assume instead of them a tendency to show love, affection and devotion towards the Hindus. If they are not willing to live under such conditions, they can live under the total subjugation of Hindu Society, claiming no rights or concessions, or benefits or special treatment with dignity or citizenship. To make it short, they can’t claim anything except their mere existence of survival.

There is no other alternative for them to follow except this.” These are the principles Golwalkar preached for the RSS to follow.

“We or our nationhood defined” written by Golwalkar

The Non-Hindus in India have to live without any Citizenship Rights

Please think over how cruel and contemptuous every word and every sentence of the principle is towards non-Hindus.

If we study combining the writings of Golwalkar that non-Hindus in India would be without any rights, with the refusal of citizenship to the migrants of Muslims in India in the Citizenship Amendment Bill, we could understand from which point their ideologies starts.

Even before the ink with which this anti-human, anti- constitutional and illegal Citizenship Amendment Bill was written, dried up, Baiyaji Joshi, General Secretary of the BJP at Nagpur , the Headquarters of the RSS, claimed the passing of the Bill as a bold step and appreciated Modi Government for it. We could understand this clearly.

There is no point or use to fight with the shadow without fighting with the reality. Therefore, our duty must be to make their anti-people principles and ideologies evolved with a view of Manu dharma, reach the people in the farthest end also.

They have diluted the principle of Social Justice. NEET examinations and National New Education Policy have been introduced to deny reservations to the people of the scheduled castes and OBCs and they were prevented from getting  themselves developed educationally and economically.  Similarly to suppress the people of minority communities, Citizenship Amendment Bill has been passed.

The RSS- BJP have started to gallop towards the Hindu Rashtra. Oh! Oppressed and suppressed people! What are you going to do? Be prepared to fight against them!