Why Brahmins Hate Reservation

It is a known fact Thanthai Periyar E V Ramasami had to quit Congress in 1925, as the Brahmin dominated Tamil Nadu Congress Committee refused to accept the principle of Communal representation for Dravidians in Public Services. Till his last breath he safeguarded the reservation policy. His writings in “Kudi Arasu” ,“Viduthalai” and birthday souverniors widely cover the need to implement the reservation policy.

Freedom for Whom?

What for did we wage a bitter struggle to drive away the British imperialists? Is it to give the right exclusively for the Brahmin Community to get the posts held by the Britishers? Unless we enable all communities to take part in the governance of the country, we cannot really have a representative government for all the people.

It is unjust to provide all the jobs to the Brahmin community. How could one particular community alone be the inheritors of all the benefits of the government? Today many communities are deprived of their share. Similarly many people belonging to other religions are also ignored. Is not India a land of many religions and communities?

The behaviour of the Brahmins in opposing the reservation is inhuman and unfair. I like to cite an example.

Imagine that the thieves have entered and robbed the valuables of the dwellers in the house. The owners of the stolen property lodged a complaint with the police. The police traced the robbers and restored the stolen properties to the real owners. Supposing the robbers raise a cry and protest with threats, what would any sensible man think? Are not the Brahmins like those robbers?

There is an adage that the beggar, who came for alms had become the son-in-law of the house. Are all the Government departments rightfully reserved to the Brahmins alone? How is it right to allow the Brahmins alone to occupy almost all the high salaried posts? From whose money are they paid? Could it be denied that the majority of the tax payers are the Backward and Scheduled Caste people as Gounders, Vanniyas, Makkulathors, Naidus, Pillais, Pariahs and Chakkilis?

If every community is adequately represented in the government services, it would bring to light all the malpractices and maladministration. Reservation is a must for improving the standard of administration. Reservation is a must to counteract the malpractices by the monopolists in all the spheres of activities of the government.

Why are we demanding our legitimate share in the government services? In India, if a job in the government ends with mere salary and bribes, the Backwards and the Scheduled Caste people would quietly go on with their own traditional work. They would be disinterested in the government jobs. They would remain content with their own usual occupation. But all posts in the Government carry with them specific powers. Even an ordinary small job carries with it some power. Don’t you think such powers would be exploited by the individual to safeguard and enrich his own community?

After all, the Government employees are also human beings. Naturally they would look after the interests of their own community. No one could claim that they are more than human beings.

If every community and caste is able to share the posts and powers in proportion to the entire population, the chances of serving their own community would be abundant.

What factors lead us to determine whether the country has advanced or not? How to say that the people are civilized? How are we to come to a conclusion that wisdom, discipline, honesty are being developed? To determine all these things there must be equality i.e., equal shares, equality in possession, equality before law, similar outlook, understanding and experience amongst all sections or communities in the society in all spheres. We should create such a State and it must be done. Don’t you think it absolutely indispensable to attain the goal of creating an ideal socialist state?

What is the nature of our country? You have Brahmins, Sudras (the heirs of prostitutes) and Panchamas (the Untouchables) as different and distinct communities. Take into consideration religions. You find three different and distinct religions viz., Hindu, Islam and Christianity. Under no circumstances will these three divisions come together as belonging to only one community or nation. Look at their behaviour in the society.

When the actual facts are like these, wisdom lies in determining the legitimate share for each and every community in the field of politics, public life, posts and education, failing which they will have no other go than to lead the life of a dog and a cat. There will be lack of mutual trust and understanding. There will be scope only to wreak vengeance. One would try to suppress the others. One would defraud the others. One would cheat the others.

In the matter of appointments and in the matter of extending concessions, the total number of people in every community should be awarded their due share, based proportionately on the population of the country. The merit and efficiency is a common feature in all castes and religions. As such whoever is separated under a particular caste or religion or community must be assured of his right to claim posts based proportionately on the population.

When I say that the Backward Classes and Scheduled Castes should be given posts in the government services, I do not mean that any Tom, Dick and Harry walking in the street should be recruited for government services.

For every post minimum educational qualification is fixed. If that qualification is there, I insist that the jobs should be given to the downtrodden people.

After having prescribed the minimum qualification for the posts, there is no need to choose the candidates on any other basis as merit and efficiency.

It cannot be proved with facts and figures that those selected on the basis of merit and efficiency alone are efficient, diligent, brilliant, and honest in the discharge of duties. At the same time, there are no records in evidence to prove that those who were given jobs by reservation are dishonest and inefficient in the discharge of duties.

If we just take the pains to analyse we come to know that it is the so called high caste persons of the forward community, which is monopolising the high posts in the government, who are found to be dishonest in their dealings, particularly the Brahmin minority community holding the majority of posts.

Their dishonest dealings and corrupt actions are generally hushed up because of caste feelings. The accused and the High Court judge or senior official belong to one and the same caste invariably. There is scope for pressure through recommendations and chances to seek concession. That is why many malpractices are not let known to the public.

If every community is adequately represented in the government services, it would bring to light all the malpractices and maladministration. Reservation is a must for improving the standard of administration. Reservation is a must to counteract the malpractices by the monopolists in all the spheres of activities of the government.

Proportional representation of all communities of Dravidian and Aryan Races in the government service is the only solution for achieving social and communal justice in the Society.

The talk of merit and efficiency is a bogus one. It is a hoax played by Brahmins on the innocent people. Not only that; it is a big fraud to deter the Backward and Scheduled Castes from achieving any progress, peace and happiness.

Source: ‘Collected Works of Periyar EVR’,
published by the Periyar Self Respect Propaganda Institution,
Vepery, Chennai – 7,  Tamil Nadu, India