Corona Virus Prevention is the Cure

Dr. R. Gowthaman
Periyar Medical Mission

“Like ‘talk of the town’, today’s talk of the world is Corona Virus.  More than two hundred thousand have been affected so far by this pandemic.  Eight thousand have already succumbed to death.  The virus resembles a crown used for coronation.  Hence using the first six letters of this word, they have named it – Corona.  COVID-19 is an abbreviation of Corona Viral Disease – 2019.

*          It is believed to be spread from the bats to human beings.

*          The attack of this virus broke out in the State of Wuhan, in Central China’s Hubei Province and has rapidly invaded most of the countries in the world.

*          It is clearly visible since it is larger than other viruses.

*           Its life span is between 25°C and 30°C temperature.

*           Slight fever
*          Runny nose
*           throat pain
*           Dry cough
(more in the case of diabetic, cardiac and asthmatic patients)
*           diarrhoea – sometimes.


The disease can be identified now through a gene-check called RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction).


Within 7 to 10 days after the infection, the symptoms can be noticed.

*           The disease could be completely cured if the treatment is begun once the symptoms are noticed.

*           Great caution essential since the aged people are more likely to be affected.

*           Upon the advice of medical practitioners, treatment is available depending on the gravity of disease.

*           Government Medical Departments are rendering all services in this regard quite effectively.

*           Since the disease is contagious, it is essential to quarantine the affected patients.

The Spread of Disease :

When the infected patients cough, sneeze and exhale breath the viral germs emanate and spread to the people in close proximity.

The germs are likely to spread more, over face and eyes.  But this virus cannot survive in intense heat.

Tips for Prevention:

  1. By wearing masks we can avoid others breathing affecting us.

  2. Let us avoid going to theatres, shopping malls and temples where people assemble in large numbers.

  3. It would be safe to avoid wedding, celebrations and various family events.

  4. Hand-shake must be given up. Hands would easily be infected by virus in public places.  Hence, an infection is quite possible.

  5. It is better to go out wearing rubber gloves.

  6. Virus spreads fast upon dry throats. Therefore, it is advised to consume more water or liquid food to avoid dehydration and keep the throat dampened.

  7. Handling old, soiled currency notes is to be avoided.

  8. Better to stay one or two metres away from people while moving and talking with them. “Social Distancing” is essential.

  9. It is important to wash our hands frequently using soap, sanitisers, desensitizers or other disinfectants – especially upon returning home.

  10. Since corona virus cannot exist in intense heat, it is advised to boil water and drink when it is tepid.

  11. It is better to avoid cold beverages, ice-cream etc; – when mild symptoms of the disease are noticed, a doctor should be consulted without delay.

  12. Yoga and breathing exercises would yield good results.

  13. We must keep not only ourselves clean but also our environment equally clean.

  14. Let us stay away from people affected by Corona virus. Besides, let us keep public health/welfare officers informed of such infected people.

  15. Work-at-home with the permission of employers. People who have adequate facility can do this.

  16. The best thing to do is to avoid travelling.

  17. If a travel seems to be unavoidable, using our own vehicle would be better.

  18. Avoiding needless fear and, staying safe in all respects and keeping the ambience clean would certainly be fruitful.

  19. To clarify doubts related to Corona virus the sources concerned could be contacted. Ignore rumours and avoid panic.

  20. At Periyar Hospitals, medical advice and consultation pertaining to Corona virus are being offered.

*Phone for assistance: +91-11-23978046

Toll free No. 1075

Helpline Email ID:

Source: ‘Viduthalai’